Bloomberg gets one of the highest BREEAM ratings in the world

Bloomberg gets one of the highest BREEAM ratings in the world

The company's new European headquarters earned a BREEAM 'Outstanding' rating of 99.1% for its energy-saving office space.


Bloomberg’s commitment to being a world-leader in environmentally friendly efforts is showcased through the design and construction of its headquarters in London. Achieving a near-perfect rating and winning a BREEAM award for sustainably built environments, this office space sets a new standard for sustainable practices.


Bloomberg L.P. is a financial, software, data and media company. Founded in New York City, the privately held company operates globally.


The company had big ambitions for its new European headquarters in London, UK. Choosing a prime location between the Bank of England and St Paul’s Cathedral, Bloomberg partnered with industry experts and forged ahead with the build of a world-class commercial space. The new headquarter was set to occupy 3.2 acres and provide over 1.1 million square footage of sustainable offices.

Through very early engagement between Bloomberg, Foster + Partners, SRM and Sweco, an implementation plan was agreed upon. Using BREEAM as a catalyst, the plan prioritised exploring sustainability opportunities and how the client’s ‘green’ aspirations could be met across a wide range of categories.

Mike Bloomberg and I arrived at a ‘meeting of minds’ on how the design of the new Bloomberg headquarters should incorporate the highest standards of sustainability. The project evolved from thereon into a building that is one of the most sustainable in the world.
– Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners


Integrated ceiling panels

Bespoke integrated ceiling panels combine air supply, cooling, lighting and acoustic functions in an innovative petal-leaf design. The system, which incorporates 500,000 LED lights, uses 40 percent less energy than a typical fluorescent office lighting system. The panels were prefabricated off-site to reduce construction site wastage. The large petal-leaf surface area enables elevated chilled water temperatures to be used with associated energy benefits.

Water conservation

Rainwater from the roof, cooling tower blow-down water, and grey water sources, like basins and showers, is captured, treated and recycled to serve vacuum flush toilets. These use net zero mains water for flushing. Overall, the integrated water conservation systems including the first vacuum toilet installation of this scale in the UK, will save 25 million litres of water each year, enough to fill ten 50-metre swimming pools annually.

Breathing building

When ambient weather conditions are temperate, the building’s distinctive bronze blades can open and close, allowing the building to operate in a ‘breathable’ natural ventilation mode. Reducing dependency on mechanical ventilation and cooling equipment significantly reduces energy consumption and provide future proofing.

Smart airflow

Smart CO2 sensing controls allow air to be distributed according to the approximate number of people occupying each zone of the building at any given time. The ability to dynamically adjust airflow in response to occupancy hours and patterns is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 300 metric tonnes each year.

Combined heat and power

An on-site combined heat and power (CHP) generation centre supplies heat and power in a single, efficient system with reduced carbon emissions. Waste heat generated from this process is recycled for cooling and heating and, in use, is expected to save 500-750 metric tonnes of CO2 each year.

Sustainable occupation

Bloomberg has been a zero-landfill operation in London since 2010; instead waste is recycled, composted or converted to energy. This commitment will continue at the new site, with better waste streaming to enable a greater proportion of waste products to be reused and recycled.

The new development’s interiors encourage active working, with sit-to-stand work stations for all employees and a central ramp spanning six floors that encourages movement through the building on foot. Two cycle centres and a wellness centre incorporating on-site health services will also be available to all employees.

The deep plan interior spaces are naturally ventilated through a ‘breathing’ façade while a top lit atrium edged with a spiralling ramp at the heart of the building ensures a connected, healthy and creative environment.
– Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners



Reflecting on the success of the project, Bloomberg’s founder, Michael R. Bloomberg, stated, “We believe that environmentally-friendly practices are as good for business as they are for the planet. From day one, we set out to push the boundaries of sustainable office design – and to create a place that excites and inspires our employees. The two missions went hand-in-hand, and I hope we’ve set a new standard for what an office environment can be.”

Echoing these sentiments, when asked about his thoughts on the project, Trevor Farnfield who provided the design direction from Sweco UK said, “Few commercial developments truly earn the title of ‘landmark building’, but Bloomberg’s European HQ is an exception – setting a new precedent for sustainable design.”

He continued, “This was a long-term, challenging project to which we have brought international best practice from across the Sweco group to deliver an innovative approach to building services.”

On the impact of the new headquarters, he commented that the project, “Has already attracted significant attention from the international design community, making it a landmark reference project not only for Bloomberg but also the City of London.”

Summary Sir Robert McAlpine


Sir Robert McAlpine
Project Manager:
Stanhope PLC
BREEAM UK New Construction 2014
BREEAM rating:
Outstanding (99.1%)
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher