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Environmental Technology Verification

Our Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) scheme validates the performance of innovative, environmentally beneficial technologies.

The ETV scheme helps you gain credibilty and market recognition for your new product. Our independent verifications are carried out in accordance with the EU ETV General Verification Protocol and ISO 14034.

About Environmental Technology Verification

Successfully marketing innovative and environmentally beneficial products can be difficult, simply because they are new or offered by a company unknown to the industry. New technologies often can’t be tested against industry standards and certification schemes.

This is where ETV can help.

ETV is a flexible and user-friendly process designed to help innovators and developers gain market recognition for their products. BRE Global is a UKAS accredited ETV verification body with extensive knowledge of environmental technologies. We offer expert ETV services for innovative technologies in the categories of ‘Energy’ and ‘Materials, Waste & Resources’.

Benefits of ETV

Our team will help you to demonstrate the benefits of your product to an international audience. With our extensive in-house testing capabilities, industry networks and vast experience, we work alongside you to develop and implement a bespoke and fully costed verification plan.

On successfully completing the verification we’ll give you an information-packed Statement of Verification that you can use to:

  • Provide independent proof, from an industry respected organisation, that your product does what it claims to.

  • Give financiers and customers the confidence they need to invest in your product.

  • Support commercial bids and public tenders.

  • Save the time and expense of repeating tests and demonstrations for different clients.

The ETV process

1. Quick-Scan

The first step is for you to complete a Quick-Scan form. This is essentially an application form that provides us with the information we need to determine whether your technology is eligible for the ETV scheme. This stage of the process is free and without obligation.

2. Verification proposal

Once we have confirmed that your technology is eligible we’ll get in touch and ask you to complete a verification proposal form. This will provide us with more detailed information about your technology, focusing on the performance claim that you would like us to verify and the environmental value that it offers. If you’ve already had testing done then we will ask for the details. This stage of the process is also free and without obligation.

3. Verification contract

We review the information you provided in the previous step and prepare a verification contract. This includes the testing and/or analyses needed for your ETV as well as a detailed costing.

4. Specific verification protocol

With your involvement, we prepare a specific verification protocol which defines the parameters applicable to your technology’s performance claim.

5. Verification report

When your testing and/or analyses are complete we will review the results and prepare your report. This includes an evaluation of the test results along with recommendations for the statement of verification.

6. Statement of verification

Once your technology’s performance claim has been successfully verified we issue you with a statement of verification which includes the verified performance claim and the verification report.

These documents are also listed and available to download from the European Commission’s ETV website and BRE Global’s GreenBookLive.

Tell us about your technology

The best way to let us know about your product is to fill in our Quick-Scan form. This is the first step of the verification process but there’s no initial cost or obligation.

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